How Old Is My Budgie?
Find out how you can use one quick strategy to estimate your budgie’s age.
Weighing your budgie regularly is a quick, easy, stress-free, and non-invasive way to monitor your budgie’s health status at home. When performed properly, there are a couple key health insights you can glean from a simple weigh-in routine.
Despite seeing our birds every day, many of us are unsure about the “proper” names for our budgie’s color and pattern. Budgie color mutations are a hotly discussed and researched topic, and it’s easy to feel lost in this ocean of information. To help you navigate, we’ve compiled a major mutation guide (with photos!) so you can better understand what makes your flock unique.
Your Guide to Budgie Colors: What Color is Your Budgie? Read More »
Winter is here, so those of us in cold climates have to think about keeping our budgies warm. Not all heating solutions are bird-safe, so it’s crucial to know when and how to introduce an artificial heat source near your birds.
Our pet budgies come in a rainbow of colors, garnering names like opaline cinnamon, sky blue spangle, and recessive pied all due to their unique combinations of genes. To understand how selective breeding has resulted in such diverse plumage, you’ll need to master one of the simplest genetic tools in the book: Punnett squares!
Nest boxes are frequently offered at almost all pet supply stores in the bird toy section but should you buy them for your budgies? In this article we will go over the basics of nest box presentation and whether or not your budgie needs them.
Every budgie needs not only their primary enclosure but also a travel cage/carrier for taking them outside for sunlight and for other travel needs such as visiting the veterinarian. This article will walk you through the different types of carriers and how to pick the right one for your needs.
Choosing the Perfect Travel Carrier for Your Budgie Read More »
Have you ever wondered why your pet budgies look different from their wild counterparts, or how green and yellow budgies can produce chicks with blue or white coloration? It’s all to do with the science of feathers!
Budgies spend nearly all of their lives on their feet, whether they’re hopping, climbing, standing, or sleeping. The perches you choose are key to keeping your feathered friends in top condition!
How to Pick the Perfect Perches for Your Budgies Read More »
Like many budgie owners, you probably want to provide your bird with the best enrichment money can buy. But before splurging on toys and accessories, check out this list of common cage items with hidden risks.